First snow fall of the season!
well, what a surprise to see all that white stuff this morning.
Last night this Innkeeper was rudely jolted out of bed by the fire alarm. Try and get back to sleep after that!
Because it is so early in the season and the trees are still full of leaves, all this snow was too much weight for them and many simply fell over on to the phone and electrical wires. No electricity means the ventilation fans in the kitchen stop working and smoke and heat start to accumulate and after a certain point will set off the fire alarm system.
Within five minutes we had the generators going and buckled down for a long night. By morning not only were we still out of electricity but we discovered the phone lines were down as well. Does this remind you of last year?
This has put a snag on a project that started today. We are installing a spa outdoors so our guests can enjoy a hot tub under the stars while enjoying the deer eating at the feeders. Excavation started this morning and the installation of the spa should be done in the next ten days. Hopefuly by the November 15th, we will have this new experience to offer our overnight guests.

Well I guess there is no getting away from it...Christmas is just around the corner and with that our famous christmas parties.
Well I guess there is no getting away from it...Christmas is just around the corner and with that our famous christmas parties.
I should have lots of juicy stuff to share with you in the coming weeks!
Stay tuned...