Discover this mad innkeepers secret to staying sane.
The wet weather has done wonders to our gardens and our tree peonies are in full bloom. Our annuels are planted and the cool nights have not affected any of the plants.
I love this time of year with all the different shades of green, the contrast of the lilac blooms and magnolia trees. We even have a few tulips still around to add a flash of color. The salt water pool is open for a swim and of course the hot tub is still quite popular.
The gardens are where I go to escape from all the hustle and bustle of an innkeepers life. There are times when I just need to dissapear to clear my head... I pity the poor salesperson who dares try to disturb me when I am in my gardens. The staff all know to leave me alone and they often watch and snicker at the poor soul who dares to venture near me when I am in my little oasis of paradise!
Don't get me wrong, I love talking with my customers in the gardens. They are always so pleasant and complentary about all the gardening work that we have done over the years. I enjoy sharing my love of nature with them and that is why I am still in this business after 27 years! This is what helps me stay sane when things get out of control like mother's day weekend.
Imagine three weddings, a luncheon, dinner, rooms all rented on Saturday and then mother's day brunch with two complete servings at the Inn and The Maple Pavillion!!! Everything was going well, the worst that can happen when you have a full house is an error in a reservation like the wrong date and not having room for all your guests or if one of your staff does not show up for work. I always have a contingency plan but wait until you hear what happened!
I was not feeling well on Friday and stopped in at the clinic to see about indegestion. The doctor was not sure and booked a scan for me the following Monday morning. Saturday by 2h00pm I could not take the pain anymore and waited for my bride to arrive at the Inn, I wished her my best and then left for the hospital with my son who dropped me off at the emergency since he was working and badly needed at the inn. By 8h00pm I was on the operating table having my appendix removed!!! I spent mother's day in bed, in hospital while everyone was working at the Inn. I think it was the very first time I did not work on mother's day!!! not a total loss... I think my husband and sons think I planned this all to get the day off!!
I am spending my spare time recuperating in the gardens alot these days. After all our health is the most important thing in life n'est ce pas?
Labels: crab apple, garden, gazebo, wedding season