Happy New Year's!
Labels: Best wishes, Damas, innkeeper
Labels: Best wishes, Damas, innkeeper
I have a saying that it is not against the law to use your brain!
Labels: common sense, ranting
Labels: carte cadeau, congé, Damas
Turkey anyone? I find it ironic that my last post was about stuffing four turkeys for christmas dinner. I guess I had turkey on the brain because I had wished on the 24th, That I would get to finaly see some of the wild turkeys that everyone has been talking about. I have found their tracks in the snow while skiing, but everyone else has been bragging about seeing them in the fields while coming to or from work. I unfortunatly have never had the pleasure.
On Christmas day as I was leaving the Inn to join my family for Christmas dinner, there right before my eyes were 11, yes 11 wild turkeys crossing St Henri road. I stopped and thankfully for once I had my trusty camera, and starting shooting pictures.
I cannot tell you how happy this made me! The perfect Christmas gift and exactly what I had wished for the day before!!! Do you think I had second thoughts of eating roast turkey for dinner that night? Never!
I hope you are enjoying the holidays in your own way as much as I am.
Now it is time to prepare for the New Year!
Labels: Christmas, gift, Wild turkey
Labels: cadeau, Dinde Sauvage, Noël
Labels: merry christmas, stuffing, turkey
Labels: birds, pine grosbeak
Labels: Damas, Mira Foundation
Le brunch du dimanche avec les tours de traineau sont plus populaire que jamais. Aujourd'hui plusieurs personnes se sont fait refusé, faute d'espace. Il faut toujours faire des réservations pour éviter cette déception.
Labels: brunch, tour de traineau
Labels: dinner and dancing, events, maple pavillon
What an incredible day! Friday was crazy with more snow and all the preperations for the weekend. Our maintenance staff had to remove the snow from the roofs due to the excess weight. This is not how they like to end their week.
Labels: gift cards, gourmet spa, Montreal Gazette
Il fait tellement beau aujourd'hui! Nous allons profiter de cette température pour préparer la patinoire sur notre lac. L'an dernier il a beaucoup servi aux familles qui ont pensé à apporter leurs patins. Les sentiers de ski de fonds ne sont pas balisés au moment ou on se parle, mais ils sont très beaux tout de même. Ceux qui ont la chance d'avoir des raquettes sont choyés cette
Labels: chevreuils, sentiers, ski de fonds
Voici notre relève au travail! Nous sommes très fier de pouvoir dire que nous avons notre fils Neil qui seconde son père. Neil a fait ses études à l'ITHQ et il a travaillé au restaurant Times dinner club et le restaurant Rosalie à Montréal.
Labels: chevreuils, neige, Noël
We are having quite the snow storm this Monday morning! Our roads are blocked so I am doing the cooking for the customers that are snowed in since the staff cannot make it. I still managed to get a photo of deer feeding at 7h00 am. I am no longer wondering if we will have a white xmas!