Happy New Year's!
Labels: Best wishes, Damas, innkeeper
Labels: Best wishes, Damas, innkeeper
I have a saying that it is not against the law to use your brain!
Labels: common sense, ranting
Labels: carte cadeau, congé, Damas
Turkey anyone? I find it ironic that my last post was about stuffing four turkeys for christmas dinner. I guess I had turkey on the brain because I had wished on the 24th, That I would get to finaly see some of the wild turkeys that everyone has been talking about. I have found their tracks in the snow while skiing, but everyone else has been bragging about seeing them in the fields while coming to or from work. I unfortunatly have never had the pleasure.
On Christmas day as I was leaving the Inn to join my family for Christmas dinner, there right before my eyes were 11, yes 11 wild turkeys crossing St Henri road. I stopped and thankfully for once I had my trusty camera, and starting shooting pictures.
I cannot tell you how happy this made me! The perfect Christmas gift and exactly what I had wished for the day before!!! Do you think I had second thoughts of eating roast turkey for dinner that night? Never!
I hope you are enjoying the holidays in your own way as much as I am.
Now it is time to prepare for the New Year!
Labels: Christmas, gift, Wild turkey
Labels: cadeau, Dinde Sauvage, Noël
Labels: merry christmas, stuffing, turkey
Labels: birds, pine grosbeak
Labels: Damas, Mira Foundation
Labels: brunch, tour de traineau
Labels: dinner and dancing, events, maple pavillon
Labels: gift cards, gourmet spa, Montreal Gazette
Labels: chevreuils, sentiers, ski de fonds
Labels: chevreuils, neige, Noël